c8=1:FINGER:/notice $nick It's me running {ññ╔╟ú═Pº╔ññ} 4.1 ô*ô Hell on IRC. ô*ô 1996 ⌐« by ATA-TKD {Hell_Knight on DAL} | /notice $me $nick has requested finger info sire.
c9=1:TIME:/notice $nick Time to get a watch! | /notice $me $nick has requested time.
c10=1:DATE:/notice $nick ô+úѺ«⌐ AX+6oayghfkalg
c11=1:A:/notice $nick Go get some WS_IRC dork ya lamah!
c12=#Misc end
c13=#Pager start
c14=1:PAGE:/set -q %ptime $time | /set -q %pdate $adate | /dde if mirc "" %Pager == ON {/notice $nick Page was sent, Please Leave A MSG via /ctcp $me BEEP <msg> && /inc %Page 1 && /notice $me $nick Paged you at %ptime $+ , %pdate $+ , current time $time $adate $+ .}[/notice $nick My pager is either turned off or I am not paying attention, msg me or notice me.]
c15=#Pager end
c16=;------>User Levels
c17=#Levels disabled
c18=+1:mylevel:/notice $nick Your user level is 1.
c19=+1:mycmds:/notice $nick You have no access. Go away.
c20=+40:mylevel:/notice $nick You are ShitListed, and intolerable. If you join a channel I am on you will be automatically kicked and banned.
c21=+40:mycmds:/notice $nick Your commands are: Bite me you fruity assed computer nerd.
c22=+75:mylevel:/notice $nick Heya bud. You're on my Auto-OP + Protected. Enjoy... :-)
c23=+75:mycmds:/notice $nick Your access commands are : "opme", and "inviteme". More to come.
c24=#Levels end
c25=;------>Shitlisted users won't be able to get anything in
c26=#Shitlistuser disabled
c27=+40:VERSION:/ignore $nick 3
c28=+40:PING:/ignore $nick 3
c29=+40:TIME:/ignore $nick 3
c30=+40:DATE:/ignore $nick 3
c31=+40:FINGER:/ignore $nick 3
c32=+40:CLIENTINFO:/ignore $nick 3
c33=+40:USERINFO:/ignore $nick 3
c34=+40:RESUME:/ignore $nick 3
c35=+40:PAGE:/ignore $nick 3
c36=#Shitlistuser end
c37=;------>This is mainly for the God-Switch
c38=#CTCPprot disabled
c39=1:VERSION:/ignore $nick 3
c40=1:PING:/ignore $nick 3
c41=1:USERINFO:/ignore $nick 3
c42=1:TIME:/ignore $nick 3
c43=1:DATE:/ignore $nick 3
c44=1:CLIENTINFO:/ignore $nick 3
c45=1:PAGE:/ignore $nick 3
c46=1:RESUME:/ignore $nick 3
c47=1:MYCMDS:/ignore $nick 3
c48=1:MYLEVEL:/ignore $nick 3
c49=1:TROUT:/ignore $nick 3
c50=1:ECHO:/ignore $nick 3
c51=#CTCPprot end
c53=#DCC start
c54=+1:dcc chat:/notice $nick Please chat with me in the channel screen. | /ignore -tau30 $nick 3
c55=+1:dcc send:/notice $nick Sorry, I don't take files from strangers, please verify the file you are sending and let me know you are sending it. | /ignore -tau40 $nick 3
c56=+40:dcc chat:!
c57=+40:dcc send:!
c58=+50:dcc chat:/notice $nick Chat accepted at $time $+ , $date
c59=+50:dcc send:/notice $nick File recieved at $time $+ , $date